audittrust is an independent institute that co-ordinates and promotes international co-operation by independent accountancy and business advisory firms worldwide who provide high quality accounting, audit, tax, and legal services.

audittrust renders its services only to accounting, business and legal advisory firms who have successfully passed the audittrust validation of their technical competence, trustworthiness, and reliability.
audittrust does not deliver any services to clients of such firms.
Rather, audittrust is an active service institute that services its affiliated firms as important clients and not as members to be administrated.
audittrust strictly avoids all unnecessary costs (paid boards or committees, useless travelling and representation expenses, administrative overhead etc).
Therefore, the annual fee rates for the audittrust affiliated firms are minimised.
Since audittrust is not a membership organisation, dual membership issues cannot arise for audittrust listed firms who are members of any professional association or network.
Furthermore, this avoids any regulatory network issue that could arise for audit firms which avail of audittrust’s services.